Happy New Year!

The beginning of 2016 has provided a nice opportunity for my students and I to reflect on what is working in our lessons, and what we would like to add or change about our time together.  I have heard about new songs and genres that students are interested in learning, and also favorite activities that would ideally be included in every lesson.  Musical tic-tac-toe is a favorite with the younger set.  ;)  And I have one entire family taking lessons that saw a musical over winter break, and they became collectively obsessed with the soundtrack.  They are now playing one of the songs as a TRIO (arranged by yours truly)!! I'm talking about 6 hands on the piano at once! It is so much fun. 

My favorite response so far, though, was from the 6 year old boy that would not give me any specific feedback at all, and after exhausting all my tactics to get him to share, I asked him simply, "What is your favorite part of piano lessons?"  He said, "My favorite part of piano lessons is playing the piano."  I guess that says it all.  :)  Happy 2016!